At the core concept of EXPO DISASTER 2006 "Panama World Showcase for the Risk Management Industry" we celebrate the second (2nd) symposium on the topic
of disaster mitigation strategies, where world famous experts will discus the latest tendencies, strategies & technology
being utilized to mitigate disaster in countries like Japan, United Staes, England, Canada, etc.
- Disaster mitigation techniques for urban cities.
Modern urban areas provides facilities for several productive activities engaged by society such as, socioeconomical
and and cultural, as well as to provide a comfortable environment to develop a gratifying livelihood. As part of a modern
urban area special cares should be taken to the following aspects:
- Urban Lifeline systems. (Energy suply systems, Water suply and treatment systems, Transportation systems,
and information net works.)
2. Disaster economics
- Concept of economic losses due to disasters.
- Importance of economic loses estimation.
- Direct and indirect loses.
- Estimetion calculation method in STOCK and FLOW after disaster.
3. Recostruction after Disaster.
Efforts should be made toward complete socioeconomical reconstruction, to create wellfare oriented regions, where all people,
including the elderly and the disabled will be able to live with a sense of ease. To this end community based care
for the disaster affected elderly and disabled must be created to ensure that these people can enjoy full filling
lives, and promote emotional care for those in need, as well to develop comfortable housing in which people will want to continue
to live.
3. New Building codes.
Experts will debate and discuss the functionability of new buiiding codes to better resist disasters. These
codes will eneable governmental stake holders to improve on their current building codes to increase resilience
to the infrastructure they built.
- Current research being conducted on the subject of infrastructure resilience.
- Up gfrading building codes methods.
4. Emergency medical response to disaster
- importance of the designation of a National Disaster Medical Center.
- Long term medical care for disaster victims.
- Current rescue procedures that was implemented during the most rescent disasters.
- Disaster psycology.
- Risk Management.
- Crisis Management.
5. Dissertation of FEMA official as to effects of hurricane Katrina.
6. Disaster mitigation techniques at the work place.
7. Pro-active risk management Vs. Re-active risk management.
8. New technology.