"EXPO DISASTER 2006" is the biggest expo that the risk management industry will share. Due to the great number
of disasters that have stricked the globe this year (2005), Tsunamies, Hurracains, Earthquakes, etc. Panama has taken
the fore front and has organized an expo where Organizations and companies can effectively promote and offer their products
and services to a wide market, togather with a symposium were world famous experts will discuss the diferent
techniques and tendencies of the art of Disaster Mitigation. There will be speakers from countries such as: Japon, USA, Ingland,
Canada, India, Mexico, Venezuela, just to mention a few. In addition to the EXPO and Simposium there will be the
exhibit of an Earthquake simmulator that is imported from Japan, which is capable of simulating shaking of up to 7 in
the Richter scale.
EXPO DISASTER 2006 will be held the 3, 4, 5, & 6TH of August 2006. In the beautiful city of Panama.
The Isthmus privilege location provides an incentive, no other country can provide, which is its perfect location on the globe.
In addition to its technological advances, which makes Panama a mecca in the bussiness of Expo's.
It is recommended to vist this site regularly since its up dated weekly.
Unexpected people actually viewing the Tsunami, in the moment
it strike the asian cost line. Clearly they are not here to comment about its devastating effects.
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