1. To inform the community in an
easy to understand way what to and what is expected from them in the event of a disaster.
2. Provide our sponsors an effective
way to promote there products and services.
reach the program objective three (3) methods of information dissemination is utilize, direct contact, contact by the utilization
of conventional massive information media (television, radio, written publications):
a. Direct Contact:
the process where PDMI workers distribute informative flyers, which contain recommendations to the community of whet they
should in the event of a disaster, throughout different regions of Panama.
The regions that represent our initial focus of attention are divided in three.
þ Urban areas.
þ Semi rural areas.
þ Rural areas.
to the sponsors of M.I.A.D. program direct contact:
1. Our sponsors benefits as the community
does by the increase of their knowledge on what is to be done in the event of a disaster situation as well by the increase
of the community resilience ton disaster as a whole..
2. There are tremendous benefit to
our sponsors by the great amount of publicity that M.I.A.D. directs contact generates:
a. As a sponsor the logo of
your organization will be printed on the flyers together with the recommendation to prepare to resist disaster.
b. The flyers are design to be kept
by the recipient, since it contains precise recommendations on what to do in the event of a disaster. As well information on where it is to be kept in order for it to be in the view of all members of the family.
This will make our sponsors information be permanently place in the households.
c. Each flyers dissemination
campaign will be accompanied by notifications to the media. This will generate various interviews to directives of PDMI to
which in the context will inform the public that the effort is possible thanks to our sponsors, and the name of your organization
will be mentioned.
d. This campaign will be implemented
in different regions of Panama which will
diversify the promotional force in benefit to our sponsors.
e. Indirectly in the event of a disaster the survivors possibly will have the flyer in there hands, and will inform
that is thanks to the recommendations on the flyer that they where able to save their lives, providing that way an invaluable
source of promotion to our sponsors.